Corn field, Variety Trials, in the morning sun on a southern farm
Auburn University Variety Testing Logo

Corn Variety Trials

2025 Corn OVT Entry Form

December 19 - The 2025 Auburn University Official Corn Variety Trials (OVTs) entry forms are now available.   Entry Forms Due by February 2nd. Entries can be submitted by region (North, Central, South) Statewide, there are a total of 11 OVTs available. Seed...

12th Annual Row Crops Short Course

Please join us for the 12th Annual Alabama Row Crops Short Course.  This statewide conference is held yearly and offers an opportunity to hear the latest information from researchers, industry representatives, and Extension professionals about row crop management and...

Performance of Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2024

Performance of Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2024

December 19 - Additional fungicide, nematicide, and disease results are available from Dr. Hagan and Dr. Sikora. December 10 - Results are available for the Macon County/EVSRC On-Farm trial. December 6 - Results are available for the Henry & Pike County On-Farm...

More 3rd Party Data – Jay, FL

Cotton, corn, and soybean variety trial results from the West Florida Research and Education Center in Jay, FL can now be incorporated into the variety selection process for Alabama stakeholders.  Because both states use Medius Ag as their variety trial database...

2024 Summer Field Day Opportunities

2024 Summer Field Day Opportunities

There are multiple opportunities to visit the Auburn University Research and Extension Centers, learn from and interact with specialists, and see current research in person.  The dates and locations are below.Friday, August 2 Gulf Coast Research and Extension Center...

Multi-State Data – New Feature Released

In 2021, the Auburn University Official Variety Testing (OVT) Program contracted with Medius Ag, a third-party agricultural data management company, to store, manage, and maintain Auburn OVT data in an online database/tool available to all stakeholders.  The goal was...

2024 Corn OVT Entry Forms

December 14 - Entry forms for the 2024 Auburn University Official Corn Variety Trials (OVTs) are now available.  Entry forms are due by February 2nd.  Please send seed as soon as possible, preferably no later than February 19th.  Entries can be submitted by region...

2023 On-Farm Corn

October 20 -  Yields for the Baldwin County on-farm trial have been updated. October 14 - Yield results are available for the on-farm corn trial conducted in Cullman County. October 13 - Yield results are available for the on-farm corn trial conducted at the EV Smith...

2023 Corn Summary Tables

October 13 - Statewide summary tables are complete. September 14 - The summary table for the Central Region is now available below. September 1 - Since yield results from both South Region OVT locations are complete, the first summary table of the season is available...

Performance of Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2023

October 13 Yield results are available for the non-irrigated corn OVT conducted at the Sand Mountain Research and Extension Center (SMREC) in Crossville.  Excessive corn earworm pressure was noted.  Yields were low, and data was variable.  Yields have been excluded...

2023 Row Crops Field Days – Multiple Opportunities

There are multiple opportunities to visit the Auburn University Research and Extension Centers, learn from and interact with specialists, and see current research in person.  The dates and locations are below.   Thursday, July 27th Tennessee Valley Research and...

2023 Corn Variety Trial Entry Form

January 10, 2023 - Entry forms for the 2023 Auburn University Official Corn Variety Trials (OVTs) are now available.  Entry forms are due by February 17th.  Seed is due by March 1st. Entries can be submitted by region (North, Central, South).  The North and South...

Performance of Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2022

November 16 - Yield data is available for the following on-farm trials. Chilton County Barbour County Dale County Pike County October 18 - Yield data is available for the OVT at the Sand Mountain Research and Extension Center (SMREC) in Crossville. October 12 - Yield...

2022 Corn Variety Trial Entry Form

December 13, 2022 - Entry forms for the 2023 Auburn University Corn Variety Trials are now available.  Entry forms are due by February 17th.  Seed is due by March 1st. Entries can be submitted by region (North, Central, South).  Each region has 3 trials for a total of...

Performance of Field Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2021

Novemvber 22 - Yields have been added for the Chilton, Cullman, and Marshall County, Alabama on-farm trials as well as the Giles County, TN trial.  This data is avaialble on the variety selection platform only. October 28 - Yield data is available for the...

43rd Annual Central Alabama Crops Tour

Join us for the Central Alabama Crops Tour in Society Hill.  We will visit 3 different on-farm variety trials (cotton, corn, peanuts) and end at Lazenby Farms for lunch. A variety of university specialists will review late season management practices and ansewer...

Performance of Field Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2020

October 9 - The 2020 corn season has come to an end and the completed report is now available. Yield data for the Sand Mountain Research and Extension Center is now available.  The non-irrigated summary tables are now complete.   September 22 - Yield data is available...

Performance of Field Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2019

Performance of Field Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2019

Field corn hybrids were evaluated in 2019 by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station as a service to producers, crop advisors, and industry. Field trials on corn hybrid performance were conducted on experiment stations throughout the state to evaluate yield...

Performance of Field Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2018

Performance of Field Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2018

Field corn hybrids were evaluated in 2018 by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station as a service to producers, crop advisors, and industry. Field trials on corn hybrid performance were conducted on experiment stations throughout the state to evaluate yield...

Performance of Field Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2017

Field corn hybrids were evaluated in 2017 by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station as a service to producers, crop advisors, and industry. Field trials on corn hybrid performance were conducted on experiment stations throughout the state to evaluate yield...

Performance of Field Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2016

Field corn hybrids were evaluated in 2016 by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station as a service to producers, crop advisors, and industry. Field trials on corn hybrid performance were conducted on experiment stations throughout the state to evaluate yield...

Performance of Field Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2015

Field corn hybrids are evaluated in 2015 by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station as a service to producers, crop advisors, and industry. Field trials on corn hybrid performance were conducted on experiment stations throughout the state to evaluate yield...

Performance of Field Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2014

Field corn hybrids are evaluated in 2014 by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station as a service to producers, crop advisors, and industry. Field trials on corn hybrid performance were conducted on experiment stations throughout the state to evaluate yield...

Evaluations of Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2013

Selected corn hybrids are evaluated annually by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station as a service to producers and industry. These tests are conducted throughout the state in an attempt to determine effects of different climatic factors and soil types on yield....

Evaluations of Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2003

EVALUATION OF CORN HYBRIDS IN ALABAMAK.M. Glass1, E. van Santen2, and P.M. Mask3 1 Agricultural Program Associate., 2 Professor 3 Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Agronomy and Soils, Auburn University, AL 36849 

Evaluations of Corn Hybrids in Alabama, 2002

EVALUATION OF CORN HYBRIDS IN ALABAMAK.M. Glass1, E. van Santen2, and P.M. Mask31Agricultural Program Associate., 2Professor, and 3Professor and Extension Specialist,Department of Agronomy and Soils, Auburn University, AL 36849  

Performance of corn hybrids in Alabama, 1984

PERFORMANCE OF COPN HYBRIDS IN ALABAMA, 1984byW. C. Johnson and Darrell WilliamsDepartment of Agronomy and SoilsAlabama Agricultural Experiment StationAuburn 'University, AlabamaGale A. Buchanan, Director 

Performance of corn hybrids in Alabama, 1983

PERFORMANCE OF CORN HYBRIDS IN ALABAMA, 1983byW. C.. Johnson and Darrell WilliamsDepartment of Agronomy and SoilsAlabama Agricultural Experiment StationAuburn University, AlabamaGale A. Buchanan, Director  

Tests of varieties of corn at Auburn 1918

E. F. CAUTHEN Since 1906, fifty-four varieties of corn have been tested on the Station Farm. During this period amongthe four most .productive varieties-of each year, Hastings Prolific and Mosby each were included six times;Sanders and Alexander Prolific each five...

Corn culture 1900

BY J. P. DUGGAR.SUMMARY.During the last five years thirty-six varieties of corn have been tested from one to five years. In no two ofthese five years did the same variety stand at the head of the list.  Of the varieties tested five years, Mosby made the highest...

Experiments with corn 1897

BY J. F. DUGGAR. SUMMARY.Seed corn from Illinois gave a slightly larger yield than seed corn grown in the South.  In 1897 the most productive varieties were Mosby Prolific, Cocke Prolific and Renfro.  Kernels from the middle portion of the ear used as seed failed to...

Experiments with corn 1896

BY J. F. DUGGAR.SUMMARY.I. The spring and early summer of 1896 were extremely dry. II. Among fourteen varieties of corn tested, the largest yield was made by St. Charles, followed by Early Mastodon and Blount Prolific.  Averaging many tests of varieties made in...

Corn and cotton 1894

.ALEX. J. BONDURANT. CORN.VARIETY EXPERIMENT.Object of this experiment was to ascertain the best yielding variety. Corn was planted on plots 1-14 of an acre in size-rows 5 feet wide and corn dropped 3 feet apart in drill  

Corn and cotton 1893

ALEX. J. BONDURA NT, AGRICULTURIST.I. Varieties of Corn..................................3II. Object of Experiment............................... 3HII. Intercultural Experiments with Fertilizers on Cotton. 4TV. A Comparison of Varieties of Cotton................. 5

Corn, wheat and oats 1891

J. S. NEWMAN AND JAB. CLAYTON. Eighteen thoroughbred varieties of corn were planted, in plots, upon land practically uniform in productiveness. Four hundred pounds of cotton seed meal were broadcasted, per acre, before breaking the land. After breaking thoroughly with...

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