Colleges & Schools
The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station represents faculty and staff researchers from within five Auburn University colleges and schools.
College of Agriculture

This is the Work that makes the World Work
The COA inclusive, diverse, and engaged academic community prepares students, and faculty to lead the way in high impact education, research, and extension activities in agriculture, food, and natural resources for the purpose of improved quality of life and well-being for individuals and communities.
College of Human Sciences

The pursuit of Science for a Quality Life
Human Sciences is truly a place that challenges students academically and prepares them for exciting, rewarding careers in the global marketplace. Employers compete vigorously for CHS majors, with career opportunities as varied and dynamic as the Human Sciences curricula.
College of Sciences & Mathematics

Leading in the latest instructional technologies & methods
COSAM’s mission is to teach by providing an environment that ensures excellence in the biological, physical, and mathematical sciences for the purpose of preserving, interpreting, and conveying existing knowledge; to research by creating, integrating, and applying new knowledge; and to reach out to others by fostering educational exchange within the university, the Alabama community and society as a whole.
School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences

resource used to advance the well-being of current & future generations
The School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences continues to be highly productive with an immense depth of research serving to advance its state-of-the-art peer-reviewed research-outreach within its major focus areas of forestry, wildlife sciences, and natural resources management.
College of Veterinary Medicine

125 years of Veterinary medicine achievements
Over the course of its 125+ years history, the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine has produced more than 6,650 veterinarians and more than 500 specialists and researchers. The mission of the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine is to prepare individuals for careers of excellence in veterinary medicine, including private and public practice, industrial medicine, academics, and research.