by Henry Jordan | Jul 26, 2021 | Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Small Grain Variety Trials, Variety Tests, Wheat
July 6 – Entry forms for the Auburn University Variety Testing – Ryegrass Variety Trials are now available. View last year’s data here. The deadline for seed is October 1st. For the 2021-2022 season, small grains be evaluated as follows: Wheat and...
by Henry Jordan | Jun 30, 2021 | Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Small Grain Variety Trials, Variety Tests, Wheat
June 30- Summary tables have been completed. Data is available for the wheat, oat, and triticale trials at the Tennessee Valley Research and Extension Center. June 23 – Yield data is available for the wheat, oat, and triticale trials at the Sand Mountain...
by Henry Jordan | Apr 7, 2021 | Crop Production, Farming, Forages, Major Row Crops, Research, Small Grain Variety Trials, Variety Tests
Alabama Public Television’s episode of “Spotlight of Agriculture” aired on February 18, 2021 and focused on Auburn University’s collaboration with HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. One of the highlights is the malting barely research...
by Henry Jordan | Jul 6, 2020 | Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Research, Small Grain Variety Trials, Variety Tests, Wheat
The mission of the Alabama Variety Testing Program is to provide research-based, unbiased results on the performance of various crop hybrids, cultivars, and varieties to the agricultural community in our state. We are intent on conducting these trials in a manner that...
by Henry Jordan | Sep 9, 2019 | Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Small Grain Variety Trials, Variety Tests, Wheat
“The mission of the Alabama Variety Testing Program is to provide research-based, unbiased results on the performance of various crop hybrids, cultivars, and varieties to the agricultural community in our state. We are intent on conducting these trials in a manner...
by Henry Jordan | May 20, 2018 | Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Small Grain Variety Trials, Variety Tests, Wheat
K. M. Glass1 , D. Delaney and J. Brasher 1 Agric. Program Assoc.; Extension Specialist; Res. Ext. Assoc., resp. Dept. of Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences, Auburn University, AL 36849 “The mission of the Alabama Variety Testing Program is to provide...