by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1894 | Corn, Corn Variety Trials, Cotton, Cotton Variety Trials, Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Variety Tests
.ALEX. J. BONDURANT. CORN.VARIETY EXPERIMENT.Object of this experiment was to ascertain the best yielding variety. Corn was planted on plots 1-14 of an acre in size-rows 5 feet wide and corn dropped 3 feet apart in drill View...
by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1893 | Corn, Corn Variety Trials, Cotton, Cotton Variety Trials, Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Variety Tests
ALEX. J. BONDURA NT, AGRICULTURIST.I. Varieties of Corn…………………………….3II. Object of Experiment…………………………. 3HII. Intercultural Experiments with...
by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1891 | Corn, Corn Variety Trials, Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Small Grain Variety Trials, Variety Tests, Wheat
J. S. NEWMAN AND JAB. CLAYTON. Eighteen thoroughbred varieties of corn were planted, in plots, upon land practically uniform in productiveness. Four hundred pounds of cotton seed meal were broadcasted, per acre, before breaking the land. After breaking thoroughly with...