by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1929 | Cotton, Cotton Variety Trials, Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Variety Tests
H.B Tisdale & J.T Williamson During the cotton marketing season of 1930, a greatly increased interest in quality of cotton has been developed by farmers due to the dockage assessed against cotton with a staple below 7/8 inch in length. This stimulated interest has...
by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1923 | Cotton, Cotton Variety Trials, Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Variety Tests
ByTHE DEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMYThe purpose of this circular is to present briefly the hitherto unpublished results of cotton variety testsconducted by the Department of Agronomy of the Alabama Experiment Station. In an effort to determinethe best variety for the several...
by Henry Jordan | Aug 21, 1919 | Corn, Corn Variety Trials, Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Variety Tests
by Henry Jordan | Sep 17, 1918 | Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Soybean Variety Trials, Soybeans, Variety Tests
E.: ‘F. GAUTHEN View Variety...
by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1918 | Corn, Corn Variety Trials, Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Variety Tests
E. F. CAUTHEN Since 1906, fifty-four varieties of corn have been tested on the Station Farm. During this period amongthe four most .productive varieties-of each year, Hastings Prolific and Mosby each were included six times;Sanders and Alexander Prolific each five...
by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1918 | Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Small Grain Variety Trials, Variety Tests, Wheat
E. F. CAUTHENOwing to the urgent need of wheat to meet the ,conditions that have grown out of the European War,the farmers of Alabama are advised to increase the wheat acreage-especially where the land is fairly welladapted to this important crop. They are advised to...