In 1909 thirty varieties of cotton were tested on plots on the Experiment Station Farm at Auburn. The cotton was left one plant in a hill in checks 3 1-2 by 3 1-2 feet. The fertilizer per acre consisted of 240 pounds acid phosphate, 120 pounds nitrate of soda and forty pounds of muriate of potash, making a total of 400 pounds.
The rather large yields (up Ito about 1 1-2 bales per acre) for this grade of naturally thin, gray, sandy land
were attributable chiefly to plowing under with a disc plow early in April, 1909, a crop of crimson clover, which was then ten to eighteen inches high and beginning to bloom. Seed of crimson clover had been sown on this inoculated land September 9, 1908, and merely cultivated in between the rows of corn.