by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1896 | Cotton, Cotton Variety Trials, Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Variety Tests
BY J. F. DUGGAR.SUMMARY.I. Of seventeen varieties of cotton tested in 1896, Hutchinson ranked first in yield and value of lint and value of total product. Truitt stood second, Dickson Cluster third, and Peerless fourth.II. Seed from different parts of the Cotton Belt...
by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1894 | Corn, Corn Variety Trials, Cotton, Cotton Variety Trials, Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Variety Tests
.ALEX. J. BONDURANT. CORN.VARIETY EXPERIMENT.Object of this experiment was to ascertain the best yielding variety. Corn was planted on plots 1-14 of an acre in size-rows 5 feet wide and corn dropped 3 feet apart in drill View...
by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1893 | Cotton, Cotton Variety Trials, Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Variety Tests
A. J. BONDJRANT, Agriculturist.JAMES CLAYTON, Assistant. COMPARISON OF VARIETIES.This experiment consists of a comparison between thirty (30) varieties of cotton. View...
by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1893 | Corn, Corn Variety Trials, Cotton, Cotton Variety Trials, Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Variety Tests
ALEX. J. BONDURA NT, AGRICULTURIST.I. Varieties of Corn…………………………….3II. Object of Experiment…………………………. 3HII. Intercultural Experiments with...
by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1892 | Cotton, Cotton Variety Trials, Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Variety Tests
VARIETIES.Table No.1 gives tbe yield of the varieties in seed cotton, lint, and tbe per cent. of lint for 1890 and 189l. View...
by Henry Jordan | May 21, 1892 | Crop Production, Farming, Major Row Crops, Small Grain Variety Trials, Variety Tests, Wheat
A. J. BONDUR NAN, Agriculturist.JAS. CLAYTON, Assistant Agriculturist. In 1890 the Agricultural Experiment Station began some experiments in wheat culture. Application for varieties of wheat, was made to the Agricultural Department at Washington, D. C., but only two...