Henry G. Jordan Jr., AU Variety Testing Manager

Dr. David Buntin, UGA Professor of Entomology

Dr. Katelyn Kesheimer, AU Extension Entomologist

Spring 2023 saw a serious infestation of Hessian fly in wheat across the southern United States, and variety selection is the most effective and cost-efficient method of control.  As a result, Auburn University Variety Testing, Auburn Extension Entomologist Katelyn Kesheimer, and UGA Professor of Entomology David Buntin have collaborated to provide Hessian fly ratings.

The dataset provided is from University of Georgia Professor of Entomology Dr. David Buntin.  During the 2022-2023 season, wheat and triticale entries were evaluated by Dr. Buntin for Hessian fly damage at Plains and Griffin, GA.  Plants were collected from each plot and dissected to determine the percentage of infected stems and the number of Hessian flies per stem.  The results from both GA locations have been averaged together and reported below.  Bolded values are lower (more desirable) than the trial average.  Data reported is only for varieties that were evaluated in the Auburn University Small Grain or Small Grian Forage Variety Trials.  Dr. Buntin’s program evaluated additional entries that are excluded from this report.