The Team
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Mona Dominguez joined the Alabama Water Watch team in 2009. She became the Director of AWW in 2017. She has a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of the South Sewanee and a Masters of Community Planning from Auburn University.
In addition to overseeing the operations of AWW, she develops training materials, facilitates workshops, and seeks out opportunities for collaboration and growth. She also works internationally with the Global Water Watch Program to develop and implement community-based water monitoring programs.

Sergio joined the AWW team in 1993 while pursuing a M.S. in Aquatic Ecology from Auburn University. He oversees the activities of the Global Water Watch Program including the implementation of community-based, science-based watershed stewardship projects in other countries.
Sergio’s work with AWW primarily involves data management and reporting. He works closely with citizens of all backgrounds and ages encouraging awareness about water issues and the environment while conducting citizen-based water monitoring and watershed stewardship sessions.

Sydney began volunteering as a water quality monitor with AWW in 2014 and became a citizen trainer in 2015. In 2017, she joined the WRC Team. She has a B.S. in Environmental Science from Auburn University.
Her work with Alabama Water Watch involves communicating and coordinating with volunteer monitors and trainers, preparing for workshops and helping the other program staff where needed.

Carolina joined the AWW team in 2017. Carolina has a B.S. in Interior Design from Auburn University.
Her primary responsibilities include data processing and management, workshop prep, volunteer coordination, lab and monitoring kit maintenance, and assisting other program staff with daily operations.

Brianne Minton joined the WRC Team in 2023. She has a B.S. in Urban Environmental Studies from Birmingham-Southern College. She is a program manager, science communicator, and outreach specialist. She runs the statewide Alabama Drought Reach program, which focuses on increasing drought literacy and protecting Alabama farmers during times of drought. She also works as the liaison between the Alabama Office of the State Climatologist and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.

Jessica (Jessie) Curl joined the WRC Team in 2020 as an Extension Water Program Project Coordinator. She has a B.S. in Environmental Science from Auburn University.
She is the coordinator of the Alabama Private Well Program, where her duties include developing training materials and educational resources, facilitating workshops, and encouraging stakeholder engagement. Additional responsibilities include technical writing on the Sustainable Irrigation Adoption Project and organizing the annual Alabama Water Resources Conference.

Laura Bell Cooley joined the WRC Team in 2018. She holds a B.A. from the University of Virginia in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Urban and Environmental Planning and M.S. from Cornell University’s Department of Design and Environmental Analysis.
Laura is a project manager, planner, facilitator, and community builder. She provides leadership to initiatives that involve multiple agencies in environmental planning, decision-making, and restoration. She helps facilitate educational training opportunities, often for sectors working in green stormwater infrastructure and watershed planning. Cooley also develops communication strategies to engage the diverse audience that work with the AU Water Resources Center.

Adam Newby joined the WRC Team in 2021. He has a B.S. and M.S. in Horticulture from Auburn University and a Ph.D. in Horticulture Science from The Ohio State University. Adam was Assistant Professor in the AU Department of Horticulture from 2013 to 2019 where he taught Nursery Management and focused his research on irrigation management in commercial production nurseries. From 2019 to 2021, Adam worked in the controlled environment agriculture private sector as a technical representative for a commercial potting mix company and as a private consultant.
Adam works on the Sustainable Irrigation Adoption Project and assists with other water resource-related projects.