AU Forestry and AWW team up to assess streams

The AU Urban Ecology class (FORY 4970/7970), taught by Dr. Chris Anderson, met with Eric Reutebuch and Sergio Ruiz-Cordova in September to learn about Alabama Water Watch(AWW) and to examine two local streams using the AWW Stream Biomonitoring protocol. The class...

AWW co-sponsors rainwater harvest workshop

AWW joined with the City of Auburn, the Auburn University Water Resources Center, and Natures Tap in sponsoring an Introduction to Rainwater Harvesting Workshop (ARCSA 100-level course). Tia Gonzales, the leader of last year’s Community Rain Barrel Workshops...

Alabama Water Watch Cited by AU President

Alabama Water Watch (AWW) was recently cited by AU President, Jay Gogue, Ph.D., in a letter to AU alumni (click here for letter). The letter expressed the concerns of the Auburn Family over the Gulf oil spill, and AU’s involvement in mediating the environmental...

Water Chemistry Monitor Training at Smith Lake

Alabama Water Watch Staff and volunteer instructors recently conducted a Water Chemistry Monitor workshop at the Smith Lake Civic Association Building and Duncan Bridge Marina. Click here to view the video and read more about it

Smith Lake residents embrace watershed management

The seeds of watershed planning have been sown over the past several years in the Smith Lake Watershed at the annual ‘State of the Lake Address’ sponsored by Smith Lake Environmental Preservation Committee, or SLEPC. Alabama Water Watch (AWW) staff annually evaluate...