AU Hosts Water Policy Symposium

Acknowledging the crucial role water plays in sustaining Alabamians and supporting future development, Governor Bentley established a task force in 2012, known as the Alabama Water Agencies Working Group (AWAWG), charged with developing policy options for a...

Alabama 4-H Dives into Clean Water

Most of us feel it is also our  responsibility to instill an appreciation and respect for the environment in the  children and youth of our communities. This is accomplished first by setting a  good example for them, and also by providing them with opportunities to...

ADEM Releases Final 2012 303(d) List

Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires that states assess surface waters and compile a list of those that have become polluted to the point that they no longer support their Use Classification (e.g., Fish & Wildlife, Public Water Supply, Swimming...

COMMUNITY COLUMN: Monitoring our lake water

The mission of HOBO (Home Owners Boat Owners) is to preserve, protect and improve the quality of life in and around Lake Mitchell. One way we do this is through water monitoring. CLICK HERE FOR THE COMPLETE ARTICLE (SOURCE: The Clanton Advertiser)

Coast Guard presents Certificate of Appreciation to AWW

Michael Freeman, U.S Coast Guard Flotilla Commander posted at Auburn University, presented AWW Program Director, Bill Deutsch and the AWW staff with an official Certificate of Appreciation from the U.S. Coast Guard on Feb.20, 2013, thanking AWW for their many years of...

Power in Numbers

Dr. Bill Deutsch, AWW Director Almost four years ago, I joined thousands of volunteers across the U.S. who monitor precipitation through a group called the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS, at Similar to our AWW network...

Water Watchers catch industrial sludge release into creek

Emails and phone calls were abuzz last week among Auburn-area water watchers and creek residents who detected something amiss with their beloved Saugahatchee Creek. They reported to the Alabama Water Watch program office that the creek was running black, and that it...