AWW on solid ground thanks to AAES and ACES support

Water monitors from throughout Alabama came together Saturday, June 25th to celebrate 24 years of watching the water. Alabama Water Watch (AWW) hosted their annual meeting on the Auburn University campus. Eric Reutebuch, AWW Director, welcomed the crowd, congratulated...

AWW Infographic 2.0

You may recall our previous AWWareness blog article, AWWsome Infographic! .  We were thrilled to receive an all-time record number of responses to the post, requesting use of the beautiful infographic that Miss Jennie Powers created as an AU class project. Folks from...

AWWsome Infographic!

AWW has been blessed with some fabulous folks over the years who have given of their time, talent and treasure to the betterment of the Program. Here is a recent example. We here at the AWW office were asked recently about what we’d like to have done in the form of an...

Memoirs of a Water Monitor

Last month's issue of Lake Magazine featured a wonderful story by a long-time AWW monitor about her personal experiences of monitoring on Lake Martin over the past two decades, and why it is important to keep it up. Kathryn Braund, volunteer water monitor and Lake...

AWW emerges on solid ground

After weathering a challenging year, AWW is sitting on solid ground, thanks to a visionary new director, dedicated AWW staff, dedicated volunteer trainers and hundreds of dedicated volunteer water monitors throughout the state. In 2015, our aging AWW in-house and...

Smith Lake folks enthusiastic about lake stewardship!

AWW Director, Eric Reutebuch, had the pleasure and the privilege of presenting the 2016 'Smith State of the Lake Address' to a packed house at the Smith Lake Civic Association Building near Jasper, AL last week. Eric was thrilled to see such a large, enthusiastic...