Sydney Smith, AWW trainer & monitor extraordinaire!

Sydney Smith is a welcome addition to the AWW family as both a monitor and a trainer. She started monitoring a couple of years back while pursuing her studies, a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science at Auburn University. She quickly pursued becoming an AWW...

Jacksonville River Monitors make a big splash in Alabama

by Stephen G. Tsikalas, Ph.D. and Jade Patolo, M.S. Established in February of 2014 by Jade Patolo with the assistance of Ms. Francine Hutchinson and Dr. Stephen Tsikalas, the Jacksonville River Monitors (JRM) are a...

For the love of the darter

We hope that you enjoy the following article that one of our faithful AWW water monitors sent to us last week. Marty Schulman, water monitor extraordinaire, has been employing his monitoring talents in the protection of one of the most endangered fish species in...

AWW loses a member of our family

The AWW family mourns the loss of Bill Peters, AWW monitor, citizen trainer, mentor  and friend.  Bill completed his earthly work on Thursday, October 2nd, 2014.  In addition to his work with AWW and the Living River Center on the Cahaba River, Bill also encouraged...

AWW Names New Director

Dr. Bill Deutsch provided a few other AWW Program Updates, the centerpiece of his talk being his announcement that he is stepping down as Director of the AWW Program after about 22 years. Bill officially retired from Auburn University last June, and received Research...

2014 AWW Awards

AWW recognized the following Award Winners for 2014. Mike Mullen Award This award recognizes the individual who turned in more data records than any other monitor during the past year. A few years back, AWW decided to name the award after Michael Mullen, who...