Friends of Clear Creek get certified

AWW traveled to north Alabama last November to conduct water monitor trainings in the Clear Creek Watershed, thanks to a grant from Patagonia. The grant was secured in early 2013 to build grassroots capacity in monitoring and watershed stewardship activities in the...

AU Biosystems students assess local stream

The AU Ecological Engineering class (BSEN 5510/6510), taught by Dr. Puneet Shrivastava, met with Eric Reutebuch and Cliff Webber last November to learn about Alabama Water Watch(AWW) and to examine a local stream using the AWW Water Chemistry Monitoring and Stream...

A good time was had by all

About a hundred people gathered at the AU Fisheries Pavilion on October 12th to celebrate the career and achievements of Dr. Bill Deutsch. After 26 years of service, Bill now works primarily for his one dozen-plus grandkids (its official - see below). The evening...

Alabama Water Watch continues its evolution

As a friend of AWW, you probably already know that hundreds of citizen monitors volunteer hundreds of hours each year in stewardship of streams, rivers, lakes, bays and bayous statewide (you may BE one of those monitors!). Volunteers that have been trained and...

AWW Data Makes Swimming at Your Favorite Water Hole Safer

Want to keep yourself and your loved ones from getting sick from exposure to contaminated water while recreating? Well, now, there’s an app for that! It’s called the SWIM Guide. Here's a description of the Swim Guide and how it came to be, source: