New AWW Instructional Videos – they’re AWW-some!

Hey there, Water Watchers! For all of our visual learners out there, or those of you who need a refresher on your water testing skills, check out our new and improved YouTube channel! Our student intern Sam was tasked with the creation of instructional videos for all...

Au Revoir, Keep It Flowing! A Message from Rita

I really like what the French say when they part.  They say “Au revoir”, which more or less means “until the next time we see each other.” After more than eight wonderful years of being a member of the Alabama Water Watch staff, I’ve decided to step away from that...

Christian Miller, AWW trainer & supporter extraordinaire!

Christian Miller has been working in extension/outreach activities since 2004, first in Florida, and then in south Alabama. Christian joined the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium outreach team as an extension specialist in 2009. He works out of the Auburn...

Judy Palfrey, AWW trainer & monitor extraordinaire!

Judy has been water monitoring, educating youth about environmental stewardship and training volunteer monitors in central Alabama, along with working full-time (until recently), over the past couple of decades. She has monitored both water chemistry and bacteria in...

2016’s Award Winning Water Watchers

The following groups and individuals were recognized during the AWW Annual Meeting on June 25, 2016 in Auburn. We hope that you will join us in congratulating them for achieving water monitoring milestones during the past year! The top five Most Active Groups for...

AWW on solid ground thanks to AAES and ACES support

Water monitors from throughout Alabama came together Saturday, June 25th to celebrate 24 years of watching the water. Alabama Water Watch (AWW) hosted their annual meeting on the Auburn University campus. Eric Reutebuch, AWW Director, welcomed the crowd, congratulated...