Meet Emily Ward, Summer Intern!

Meet Emily Ward, Summer Intern!

WE SAT DOWN WITH EMILY WARD TO LEARN ABOUT HER EXPERIENCEEmily representing the AU Water Resources Center at the Russell County Farmers MarketTell us about your background and what brought you to work with the AUWRC? I began working with water in 2018 when I was in...

Alabama River Basin

Alabama River Basin

Written By: Laura Cooley, Jera Dills, Rachel McGuire and Sydney Zinner The Alabama River is considered the heart river of the state. The Alabama is the state’s longest river, flowing for 315 miles and draining 22,800 square miles (11% of the state via 18 counties)....

Meet Dr. Jose G. Vasconcelos

PROFESSOR OF WATER RESOURCES IN AUBURN UNIVERSITY'S CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTTell us about your background and current position. I was born in Brasilia, Brazil. I started my work in water resources via my undergraduate studies in Civil Engineering...

100 Global Water Watch Monitors in Chile

Written By: Laura Cooley and Sergio Ruiz Cordova, AUWRCSergio Ruiz-Cordova and Global Water Watch partners in Chile train 100 water monitors over the course of 2 years. Photo credit: Filipe Zanotti. Global Water Watch is celebrating having 100 trained water monitors...

Meet Jera Dills, the Newest Member of the AUWRC Team

WE SAT DOWN WITH JERA DILLS TO LEARN ABOUT HER BACKGROUND AND NEW ROLE WITH THE AUWRCJera Dills testing water quality with an Alabama Water Watch testing kitTell us about your background and current position. Current Position: My current role with AWW/AUWRC is...