Au Revoir, Keep It Flowing! A Message from Rita

by | Oct 5, 2016 | Uncategorized

I really like what the French say when they part.  They say “Au revoir”, which more or less means “until the next time we see each other.”

After more than eight wonderful years of being a member of the Alabama Water Watch staff, I’ve decided to step away from that official capacity and return to being a volunteer.  Volunteers are the bedrock foundation of this program, and without you, the Volunteer, there would be no Water Watch.  Thank you for your sacrifice and commitment.


I’ve learned so much the past eight years – about science, why Alabama is so very beautiful, and about why you care.  I’ve loved hearing your stories and sharing entertaining moments with you.  We’ve walked through disappointments together, and laughed at those funny occasions life hands us.  I’ll never forget a monitor telling me that when his data form blew off the dock, he took a quick look around, stripped off his clothes and dove in to retrieve it!  Now that is dedication to getting the data!!!

I don’t feel that I’m leaving, but I won’t be at work in the AWW office. I know you’ll be patient in this time of transition.  I truly hope that our paths will cross again … and often.  I’ve put together a special message for you, my dear Water Watch friends.  It’s only a little over a minute – but I could go on for hours about how much you all have meant to me.  Au revoir and keep it flowing on!!!



Auburn University Water Resources Center
ALFA Agricultural Services and Research Building
961 S Donahue Drive
Auburn, AL 36840
