Exploring Living River’s Streams – Workshop on the Cahaba!

by | Sep 4, 2018 | Alabama Water Watch

In mid-July, Legacy Partners in Environmental Education, Cahaba Environmental Center at Living River, and AWW teamed up to host a 3-day, Exploring Our Living Streams (EOLS) workshop to teach educators how to help students learn about watershed stewardship.
The EOLS workshop was held at the beautiful Cahaba Environmental Center on the Living River Retreat Center’s property.

Click HERE to view a video of the workshop made by the Cahaba Environmental Center Director, Lauren Allred! 

On Day 1, the classroom portion of the EOLS workshop exposed educators to several modules for incorporating into a science curriculum focused on Water Stewardship and Stream Biomonitoring.

Mapping a Watershed Activity.

Stream Biomonitoring – Field Exercise

On Day 2, the group conducted a stream biomonitoring sampling exercise.








Check out some of the critters we found below!

A damselfly nymph (Argia spp.) found during biomonitoring.

A damselfly nymph (Calopteryx spp.) alongside a freeliving caddisfly.

A fun surprise: a three-lined salamander (Eurycea guttolineata)!

Many a crayfish were found.

Water Chemistry – Field Practice

On Day 3, the group conducted water chemistry sampling on the banks of the Cahaba River.

Many thanks to the Cahaba Environmental Center and Legacy for partnering with us on this workshop, and helped make it a huge success!

And thank you to all of the AWWesome educators who joined us and who are passionate about getting their students involved in watershed stewardship. Happy Monitoring!


Auburn University Water Resources Center
ALFA Agricultural Services and Research Building
961 S Donahue Drive
Auburn, AL 36840
