AWW Database Transition

by | Mar 16, 2015 | Uncategorized

On April 1st, 2015 the 15-yr old FrontPage server that hosts the AWW Online Database will be turned off forever. But don’t despair – our database gurus, Jim Johnson and Sergio (below), have worked countless long hours and late nights over the past 12 months to update and transfer the AWW database to a newer-faster-better server!

AWW database gurus, Jim Johnson, working into the wee hours

AWW database gurus, Jim Johnson and Sergio, working into the wee hours

However, during the next few months, the access to the Water Data through the AWW website will be a bit limited. The new database being developed has features such as being responsive to mobile devices (tablets, cell phones) – the AWW staff is crossing our collective fingers and toes for a smooth transition.

Early beta version of the new AWW database

Early beta version of the new AWW database

The first piece being developed is the online Data Entry, which may need a few weeks of testing to get it running smoothly. We ask that you please bear with us as we implement our new database – we hope and trust that it will be more user-friendly, intuitive and useful to our faithful AWW monitors, educators and the general public in Alabama, and beyond. If you know of a feature that you think would be an improvement to the AWW database, please send us your suggestion or call us to discuss it over the phone.

And lastly, during this transition period, as you continue to monitor your local waters please keep a hard copy of your data and note the date/time you entered it on our website for the next few months.


Auburn University Water Resources Center
ALFA Agricultural Services and Research Building
961 S Donahue Drive
Auburn, AL 36840
