2018 AWW Trainer of the Year

by | Sep 11, 2018 | Uncategorized

Each year AWW recognizes the Volunteer Trainer who has conducted the most workshops throughout the year with the AWW Trainer of the Year Award. This past year’s award recipient was Mimi Fearn who conducted 16 workshops in the previous year, bringing her overall total of workshops conducted to 62!

Mimi teaches how to conduct a dissolved oxygen test to new volunteers.

Mimi has been involved with AWW as a volunteer monitor since 1998. She became a Water Chemistry Monitoring Trainer in 2001 and a Bacteriological Monitoring Trainer in 2017. Mimi was an Associate Professor of Geography at the University of South Alabama for many years before her retirement. She incorporated AWW into her classroom, introducing hundreds of students to the importance of water monitoring.

In retirement, Mimi has ramped up her training and monitoring activity with AWW and has led a water monitoring “revival” for her home watershed group, the Dog River Clearwater Revival. Mimi is an excellent instructor and also serves as a great “technical” resource person for AWW. Her hard work at protecting and restoring water quality, one workshop at a time, is greatly appreciated!

Mona presents Mimi with the AWW Trainer of the Year Award

AWW Director, Mona Dominguez, had the pleasure of presenting Mimi with her award during the Dog River Clearwater Revival Summer meeting. She is loved and respected by her group, and it shows!

Photo taken of Dog River during the DRCR Meeting.

Other trainers who conducted a high number of workshops in the past year include:

Homer Singleton – 10

Mike Shelton – 7

Whitney Flynn – 6

Jim Woodrow – 5

THANK YOU, to all of our wonderful AWW Trainers. You make this program possible!


Auburn University Water Resources Center
ALFA Agricultural Services and Research Building
961 S Donahue Drive
Auburn, AL 36840
