Being a part of Alabama Water Watch (AWW), whether you are a monitor, a member of the AWW Association (AWWA), you work in the AWW office, or all of the above, means being part of a community that is dedicated to the same goal: protecting and restoring water quality in...
Volunteer monitor success story: Magnolia Springs
To begin our “AWW Success Stories” series, let’s go down to Alabama’s beautiful coastal region and introduce you to the Town of Magnolia Springs (TOMS) monitoring group. Local citizens began monitoring the Magnolia River around 1996, but...
Water watchers conduct bacteria blitz of local watersheds
Two volunteer groups have been ‘watching the waters’ of local streams in the Auburn-Opelika area for several years. Most of the two-city area falls in either the Saugahatchee Watershed or the Chewacla Watershed (see map below). Watersheds in the...