Meet Our Staff
Bill Deutsch
Program Director
Bill Deutsch is an aquatic ecologist and Research Fellow, Emeritus in the Auburn University School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences (Alabama, USA). He retired in 2013 after 26 years of service at Auburn University. He is the co-founder of the citizen volunteer water monitoring program called Alabama Water Watch that began in 1992, and founder of Global Water Watch.
Bill made about 80 international trips to 25 countries, teaching or working on water-related projects. He has a unique ability to convey his passion for water to people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures through his words and actions, and in that way he has inspired people throughout the world to make positive changes with environmental education, environmental restoration and water policy in their communities.
Sergio RuizCórdova
Associate Director/Data Coordinator
Sergio has a M.S. in Aquatic Ecology from the Auburn University School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences. He coordinates the development and maintenance of a database for AWW in Alabama and for GWW worldwide projects through the Auburn University Water Resources Center. He works closely with citizens of all backgrounds and ages encouraging awareness about water issues and the environment, and conducting water monitoring and community-based, science-based watershed stewardship workshops.
Mona Domínguez
Monitor Coordinator
Mona worked as a community and environmental conservation extension agent in Panama with the Peace Corps and completed her Masters in Community Planning at Auburn University. She is the 4-H Alabama Water Watch Coordinator and her work with GWW includes watershed management and planning an environmental education with domestic and international projects.
Omar Romagnoli
Special Projects Coordinator
Omar has a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Rosario, Argentina. He specialized in Aquatic Environments and Aquaculture. He also studied fine arts. Among his many duties he co-produce, design and co-translate into Spanish GWW manuals and websites and produces video as monitor’s resources. He helps on the website layout design in order to facilitate navigation.